Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Doodle for Google

This is the Doodle for Google that I made in Photoshop. It represents Ocean Day (one of the weirdest holidays in the year).

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This is just a cartoon version of me that I made in Photoshop. Hope you like it!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Some fun games

Just for the record, this is not anything school related. Here are a few different game links that I know about. They are:,,,,, and here's a link to two fun games: and that's all for now!

My Interests

In my life, I have had many interests. My current interest is my wiener dog, Heidi. She is really cute! She is 9 months old. At the moment, I am trying to get her house trained and trying to get her to fetch balls and other things. She really likes to play with one of our other wiener dogs, whose name is Dapple. They love to sprint around the house, chasing each other. Heidi lives in the kitchen with our 13-year old wiener dog Schatzi. She lives in the kitchen because the kitchen has linoleum flooring which is (reasonably) doggy doodoo resistant. Above I will post a few pictures of her so that you can see how cute she is.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Bio

This is me on the right. I am 13 years old and I'm in the eighth grade. I have one sister and one brother. We own three dogs and seven finches. I'm really into doing stamp and card collecting. I also play a lot of video games. I own five different game systems. Three of my friends are Ryan, Julio (on the left), and Willie. I live in a reasonably small house next to a really creepy house. I live in Washington.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

About My Blog

This is my blog for my Tech class at my middle school. On my blog is my biography, my interests, and a Google doodle picture. Also on here are some photo shop projects, which are the following. One is a picture of me cartoon style and the other is a movie poster with my head cropped into the real movie poster. Also, there is a Microsoft Excel project about the colors and amounts of M & M's in a single bag.